Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Reflection

Through out my search in becoming a professional bodybuilding I have learned many things . I learned that its just not about lifting heavy weights . Not knowing what kind of food to eat for your selected diet is a disadvantaged to the average man. Some of the things that I have use from my search is workout plan. I have completely change my workouts and the time I get them done. I learned that its important to have meals every couple hours, healthy amount of multivitamins,and protein.

During my search I ran into vitamin and protein plan. protein should be taken three times a day ,morning ,midday and night. They say when taken multivitamins, they should be taken during a meal.In my own experience, I have taken some other dietary supplements. I use creatine for a while , until I had a major cramp. I found out that I was not drinking enough water. I research that a while ago ,on my own concern.

Resistance is important key when working out, its what makes you really cut and fit. when talking to some one who never workout before, they be confused in what you are talking about ,that is perfectly normal. Most people just do resistance for the looks it gives you. I go for the power and strenghting that most people cant do ,or are to lazy. I always do resistance anyway. For example resistance is doing lots of pulleys and wheels, elastic resistance bands.

Gaining weight is very important to getting big ,sometimes it can be very hard for people who have fast metabolisms . When I research this concept ,I found some interesting tips. When posting questions on message boards, I got results back. The first guy told me to carry a big loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter. Another subject told me to eat lots of corn. I was recommended to take a weight gainer supplement , and eat lots of snacks.

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