Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Throughout this assignment I have been introduced to a lot of new information about stereotypes. Essentially my goal was to answer the question " In what ways do stereotypes effect the choices and decisions of our youth". In the begining this seemed like a great question and I belived I would be able to answer my question with ease along with retrieveing alot of usefull info. As I furtherd my research...I realized how broad of a topic I had chosen . Stereotyping is very common and I have come to the conclusion that there is no real reson for stereotyping but is just more of a natural reaction . We all have an inner instinct to surround ourselves with familiar settings and or people. I have also decided that there is no direct answer to my question . I believe this because stereotypes can only affect the choices one makes if he or she lets them . I didnt have this exact outlook on the situation when I began my project . I have learned that the best solution for stereotyping is not to address it as a problem because that only adds to the controversy but to inform others of what exactly is going on . Because when people make unintelligent statements it creates unneccessary problems . People should take the time to learn more about others and try and to relate to other people . Knowledge is power and the more we know about things is the more we realize how little we actually know . I am happy that I have researched this topic because it has broadend my veiws on the subject of stereotypes . I have to say that my overall opinion on the subject has changed for the better . In the begining I believed that "stereotypes " where the cause of the problems when its actually just misinterpretations . A lot of time problems within a race are not understood by people outside of that race (not always race but categories in general) when one group does something that another group does not understand they tend to feel threatened .That might not be the case at all but people are scared of what they dont understand . This encourages me to want to learn more about different races and cultures

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Reflection

Through out my search in becoming a professional bodybuilding I have learned many things . I learned that its just not about lifting heavy weights . Not knowing what kind of food to eat for your selected diet is a disadvantaged to the average man. Some of the things that I have use from my search is workout plan. I have completely change my workouts and the time I get them done. I learned that its important to have meals every couple hours, healthy amount of multivitamins,and protein.

During my search I ran into vitamin and protein plan. protein should be taken three times a day ,morning ,midday and night. They say when taken multivitamins, they should be taken during a meal.In my own experience, I have taken some other dietary supplements. I use creatine for a while , until I had a major cramp. I found out that I was not drinking enough water. I research that a while ago ,on my own concern.

Resistance is important key when working out, its what makes you really cut and fit. when talking to some one who never workout before, they be confused in what you are talking about ,that is perfectly normal. Most people just do resistance for the looks it gives you. I go for the power and strenghting that most people cant do ,or are to lazy. I always do resistance anyway. For example resistance is doing lots of pulleys and wheels, elastic resistance bands.

Gaining weight is very important to getting big ,sometimes it can be very hard for people who have fast metabolisms . When I research this concept ,I found some interesting tips. When posting questions on message boards, I got results back. The first guy told me to carry a big loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter. Another subject told me to eat lots of corn. I was recommended to take a weight gainer supplement , and eat lots of snacks.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Final Reflection

This project has made me learn alot about rebuilding confidence and the meaning of confidence.I think that without confidence you wouldn't succeed in life and society. I learned that keeping your confidence would prove that you are ready for the real world. Everybody has a problem with having confidence and loosing confidence. One of the best ways to rebuild your confidence is to talk to people close to you. In order to get far in life you would have to believe in yourself and do what is best for you. There are some things in life that makes people learn how to use confidence by resolving lifetime problems. Every since I did research on this project my confidence in life has been improved and used more. If there are certain situations that can cause you to give up on whatever you do that involves loosing your confidence,you can always redeem yourself by going to see a therapist. This project was my therapist by giving me the answer to my question and showing me so many ways on how to get that confidence that I lost back into my life. Everyday I meet certain conflicts that test me on how much confidence I have or how quick I can loose it like for instance trying to stay out of trouble. Rebuilding your confidence would show people how good of a person you are during tough situations. Life would be hard for people if they didn't know about these good strategies on how to gain back the confidence you've lost. The main thing that was successful about this research was how the useful information came to me quickly. The answers that my classmates gave me had much character and vision that helped me get more serious with my project. In the future I would use my confidence wisely everywhere I traveled to. Confidence is used in many things all around the world like for example basketball games and teaching others kids about the basic things about life. There are so many amazing ways on how confidence can be used and ways on how you can gain that confidence back. I am thankful for having this project because it really helps me with my lifetime problems. I will never forget tihs project and how it gave me important feedback because this has proved that anbody can do anything. Everyone can make a difference with confidence by knowing how to use it.Having confidence is like a gift that you would need all your life.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today I decide that I would ask a few people my essential question and see what all there different responses were . While doing this I received alot of good insight on how my peers felt about my topic . These interviews gave me a different perspective on how other kids in my age group feel about my topic. I interveiwed a few people of different genders and racial backgrounds including my teacher Mr.Malley . I asked each person the same 5 questions 1.How do you feel about stereotypes ? do you think people stereotype you ? 3.In what ways do you feel that you stereotype other people ? 4.Do you have an example of a stereotypical situation ? 5.then last but not least i asked them to answer my essential question" In what ways do you think stereotypes affect the choices and decisions our youth make ?
Each persons interveiw stood out to me a little in different ways but it seem they all had one particular veiw in common Kiera stated that when it comes to sterotypes " it is what it is" and she feels that " Stereotypes kids by making them feel as if they have to fit certain personas ". This seemed to be the attitude of everyone I interviewed . Terrell Leslie said "If people want you to be a certain way then you are going to be that way " One persons interview who stood out to me the most was Roberto Gonzalez. Roberto stated that " People stereotype themselves because of lack of knowledge ...They try and fit the stereotypes they are given, But you have to learn to follow before you can lead " Last but not least I interviewed my Teacher Mr . Malley . Being an English teacher I knew he would have some interesting thoughts .When I asked him how he felt about stereotypes he stated that they " are genarally unfair any type of prejudice or pre judging is ...think human beings often result to easily understood categories because it is perceived to be safer or easier". He also states that " People become self-fullfilling prophecies because who people perceive them to be ". So basically everyone felt nearly the same about the subject. "PEOPLE WANT TO BE ACCEPTED" and I have just about come to a conclusion of how to answer my essential question.

music imapct on society : reaflection

During my resarch I found alot of information that I didnt know. I have found alot of cool stuff to for example like When you listen to music it make every part of your body move (doris soibelman author of Therapeuticand Industrial Uses of Music). Or when I found that survey that 2760 teens throught the age of 14 to 16 years of age, this survey showed that teens listen to music aleast 40 hours a week that I realy didnt know. Also when its talks about how hospital uses music as a thearpy for some patients thats going throw problems in the head. I also learn that we as american listen to music every day but little do we know music hlep more than we think.Music help relax our mines and hlep us make life decesion, it keep u going down the right path or keep u going down the wrong path. the problem I had with my project was at the beggining I thought i could find on how music can impact on are future and are past and are persent. I found out there not enough information that would tell u how music have a impact on our future. So I took the future out and the past and just put society. Music been around for years even in romans times music was a big play in the soceity. Sometime music set a setting like if its a scary movie and somebody about to come out and kill somebody it bluid suspense. Imaging if there was no music in t he world and everything was just quit. It would be pertty boring i think. I think music play a big roll in the world without music where would the world be. At the end of my search i have found the definition of music. Many different scientist have there on definition but towards the end I could never realy find a grind. People say its a unwanted noise or sound ,another one is a sound created by its maker and The last is publicly through the medium of a performer, or privately by a performer as listener(Irving Godt).So out of all these scientist and people that made up there on definition I made up my on definition. I think music is the sound that comes from your heart its like a way for your heart to speak to one another for example if a person love somebody they would sometimes use music to show that effection. The same way in the bad way if somebody hate somebody, they would listen to music to ethier make them mader or for solution to make it better. So music to me is a way to express the way u feel towards somebody or about something, its like a effections its like a feeling. So the questions I have for you is what is music to you ?? how do you feel about music in today society??? and did music effect your life ?. I think I have found all the information that I was looking for, I am realy happy about my my topic choose. I learn alot about music that I thought I have already known but I didnt.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Music impact on today society :5

Now that i had found what music did how music make u feel. Now i had to find out the real definition of music. Irving Godt said poeple like Philosophers,sociologists, and philologists have all defined music. but he had never found the truth definition of music without a grind. he say the defitnition of fashions change with in time .I think music is a culture and many different culture have there on type of music for example African American have mainly hip hop and R&b. The ricans mainly have reggathon. Whites often listen to pop or rock music. But the one music that brings all blacks, whites, ricans and all other ethnics races is jazz music. Everybody listen to jazz music no matter whats races cause of its smooth and relaxing sound. Its relaxes the brian and themind its clear stress. Irving Godt said Different cultures have different ideas about music. Must we accept all of them, or just some of them? Among some peoples, music is inseparably associated with some event, activity, or behaviour; it has no real existence apart from those associations. In different dictornary the definition of music is brought to you in many different ways, first way music is deplays is unwanted sound or noise. Another one is a sound created by its maker and The last is publicly through the medium of a performer, or privately by a performer as listener(Irving Godt). I think the definition of music is vioce of your heart. like steve wonder and micheal jackson all the music they made it came from the heart and thats why everybody listen and relate to certian type of music.They ethier went throught it or going throught it and music that people make can hlep them make "LIFE" decsion.

Godt, Irving . "Music:a Pratical definition." spring 2005 1. 4 13 2008 .

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Rebuilding your confidence week 4

Confidence has been one of the most important things around the world.I have viewed it as something you should always have.Rebuilding confidence is better than the confidence that you have lost.The conference board has dropped down in percentages after the horrible hurricane katrina accident that just recently happened.The thing that the conference board did that was amazing was that they still tried to keep the percentages in sales at a constant rate.this research was interesting because I was about the conference board not giving up on what they had to get done.Many consumers have been wanting the percentage of sales to decrease but they have surprisingly increased in april.I didn't understand how they rebuilt their confidence and improved in the way they spent their money.


"Consumer Confidence drops again in April." National Jeweler 02-05-08: Infotrac. Power Search. McKinley H.S.. 06-05-08¤tPosition=13&userGroupName=nysl_we_mckine&resultListType=RESULT_LIST&sgHitCountType=None&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28ke%2CNone%2C10%29confidence%24&inPS=true&searchType=BasicSearchForm&displaySubject=&docId=A178572681&docType=IAC&contentSet=IAC-Documents.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


During my search on google ,I ran in to . I found out they got routines and/or programs. they have too keep a strict diet too keep a certain weight to compete in events. For example ,when taking dietary supplements they need to take a certain amount and\or kinds. Me myself I take multi-vitaims and whey protein Morning ,midday,and night. A good tip is to believe in changing routines every now and then.

Source Citation:Lockwood, Christopher M. "Volume control." Men's Fitness 15.7 (July 1999): 46(3). Health Reference Center Academic. Gale. McKinley High School. 13 May 2008

Friday, May 2, 2008

Rebuilding your Confidence week 3

I think that rebuilding your confidence can make things easier for everyone.I noticed that you can use many easy techniques for gaining and rebuilding your confidence.You can participate in physical activities like play basketball and go to boxing lessons.This issue can get to your inner mind causing you to take time and think about your life.There are many people that have their own personal issues with life and they can't handle them the right way.Some people would run around causing trouble or hit people for no reason.Therapy is another solution to regaining your confidence and also talking to people who really know you well.If you are a person who can accept being criticized on your problems then you are a person who can make a difference in your life.There is another way of regaining your confidence and that is hypnosis.Hypnosis relaxes your mind and body at the same time getting rid of the stress and problems in your life.I think that it makes things easier in life and also society.

"How to Rebuild your life after breakdown." How to Regain your Confidence 23-09-1998: Mind Information. Emind. McKinley H.S.. 30-04-2008

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Impact That Music Have On The Past week:3

Now music have a lot of impact as we know as of today. But the question I wanted to know is how have music have a impact on the past. So I look it up and it took me to web site that talks about "Impact Of Music Of The Harlem Renaissance". Now everybody know that that harlem was a rich in histroy and culture. Harlem was the birth place of jazz and the blues. On this web it talk how harlem was the place to be if you was a black african american. Since in the 1920s throught the 1940s in New York if you was black you was not included as a "New Yorker". But at this time many black was employed in clubs and bars as musicians. even thought blacks had to play in clubs and bars they was not allowed to come in the clubs on there off time(Hillard). There are some great exceptional writers such as W.E.B. Dubois and Langston Hughes. Harlem was the birth place of jazz cause that wear u first heard any type of jazz. Jazz change the face of the earth it bring a

Kenneth , Hilliard. "Impact Of Music Of The Harlem Renaissance." 89 01 05 05 1 08 .


As I have further my research I have realized how very common stereotyping is on many different levels .Its not hard to look around and see the stereotyping happen before your own eyes . Racial profiling and unfair judgemants of people , Just by walking through the mall you can notice how easily people seperate themselves into groups and categories . Its always "Them from us " or "their behavior from our behavior ".During the course or my research I went to the -media awareness network- where I read on article on stereotypes it stated that "Stereotypes can be either positive ("black men are good at basketball") or negative ("women are bad drivers"). But most stereotypes tend to make us feel superior in some way to the person or group being stereotyped. Stereotypes ignore the uniqueness of individuals by painting all members of a group with the same brush." This paragraph stood out to me because of the last sentence ".. IGNORE THE UNIQUENESS OF INDIVIDUALS BY PAINTING ALL MEMBERS OF A GROUP WITH THE SAME BRUSH " .I personally can relate to this because theres been times where I have felt as if society has somewhat "labeled" us. Growing up in the projects always brought that to my attention because of how often people would make degrading comments about the place I called home . This effects our point of veiw on things in a large way wether you are as fortunate as I was to realize it ....or not .The feeling of being looked down upon is never a good one. So when people feel this way they tend to hover towards people who are more like themselves . Thus being the start of the seperation between groups ... I wonder If im the only one who thinks his way sometimes but....whats wrong with different ?? Is it bad to be unique?? OF COURSE NOT !!!!!! . As I have gotten older I realized how much people really want to "fit in" everyone has a feeling inside of them that wants to be wanted or accepted . Children should have a decent relationship with there parents and a sense of reassurance should be installed in them at an early age by the parents .... but as we know theres not always a direct parental figure in every childs household . When theres no immediate oulet this feeling often results in youths joining gangs for a false sense of family or brotherhood .Then to acheive in order to please the people they feel are there friends , they do sometimes dangerous and wrong things. ... Why ???All because of the fear people have of "different " . People are afraid of things that they dont understand and nobody wants to be an outcast .This only adds fuel to the fire ! ... My outlook on this is that children should be taught at a young age about first there own culture and religious background , Then introduced to other cultures and ways of life . I think that if you have never had the experience you should join a family of a different ethnic background as yours for dinner. This helps open your eyes to other ways of life and you can eventually learn just to accept people for themselves