Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Throughout this assignment I have been introduced to a lot of new information about stereotypes. Essentially my goal was to answer the question " In what ways do stereotypes effect the choices and decisions of our youth". In the begining this seemed like a great question and I belived I would be able to answer my question with ease along with retrieveing alot of usefull info. As I furtherd my research...I realized how broad of a topic I had chosen . Stereotyping is very common and I have come to the conclusion that there is no real reson for stereotyping but is just more of a natural reaction . We all have an inner instinct to surround ourselves with familiar settings and or people. I have also decided that there is no direct answer to my question . I believe this because stereotypes can only affect the choices one makes if he or she lets them . I didnt have this exact outlook on the situation when I began my project . I have learned that the best solution for stereotyping is not to address it as a problem because that only adds to the controversy but to inform others of what exactly is going on . Because when people make unintelligent statements it creates unneccessary problems . People should take the time to learn more about others and try and to relate to other people . Knowledge is power and the more we know about things is the more we realize how little we actually know . I am happy that I have researched this topic because it has broadend my veiws on the subject of stereotypes . I have to say that my overall opinion on the subject has changed for the better . In the begining I believed that "stereotypes " where the cause of the problems when its actually just misinterpretations . A lot of time problems within a race are not understood by people outside of that race (not always race but categories in general) when one group does something that another group does not understand they tend to feel threatened .That might not be the case at all but people are scared of what they dont understand . This encourages me to want to learn more about different races and cultures

1 comment:

pd90208 said...

That was a great final reflection, and even better that you learned something out of doing this project. Stereo types will always be there it's hard to ignore them but to address them and teach them as wrong, as you stated we should is a great idea.