Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Final Reflection

This project has made me learn alot about rebuilding confidence and the meaning of confidence.I think that without confidence you wouldn't succeed in life and society. I learned that keeping your confidence would prove that you are ready for the real world. Everybody has a problem with having confidence and loosing confidence. One of the best ways to rebuild your confidence is to talk to people close to you. In order to get far in life you would have to believe in yourself and do what is best for you. There are some things in life that makes people learn how to use confidence by resolving lifetime problems. Every since I did research on this project my confidence in life has been improved and used more. If there are certain situations that can cause you to give up on whatever you do that involves loosing your confidence,you can always redeem yourself by going to see a therapist. This project was my therapist by giving me the answer to my question and showing me so many ways on how to get that confidence that I lost back into my life. Everyday I meet certain conflicts that test me on how much confidence I have or how quick I can loose it like for instance trying to stay out of trouble. Rebuilding your confidence would show people how good of a person you are during tough situations. Life would be hard for people if they didn't know about these good strategies on how to gain back the confidence you've lost. The main thing that was successful about this research was how the useful information came to me quickly. The answers that my classmates gave me had much character and vision that helped me get more serious with my project. In the future I would use my confidence wisely everywhere I traveled to. Confidence is used in many things all around the world like for example basketball games and teaching others kids about the basic things about life. There are so many amazing ways on how confidence can be used and ways on how you can gain that confidence back. I am thankful for having this project because it really helps me with my lifetime problems. I will never forget tihs project and how it gave me important feedback because this has proved that anbody can do anything. Everyone can make a difference with confidence by knowing how to use it.Having confidence is like a gift that you would need all your life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swoop you did a good job,i have seen an increase in your confidence aswell,keep up the good work,im proud
-Aaron Osborne